The Theater Foundation, established in 1999, has
accomplished great things with help from people like you:
Launched ArtsConnection, bringing 4,000 students a year to experience the performing arts on no-cost field trips.
Funded $1,000,000 to help build the Old Town Temecula Community Theater.
Raised over $500,000 to provide affordable access to the performing arts as ticket revenue covers only a fraction of the cost.
Covered the cost for $35,000 wireless microphone system.
Purchased a $15,000 concert shell and risers for choral groups.
Raised $55,000 to purchased and restore a 1901 Steinway Baby Grand Piano for The Merc.
We welcome your contribution in any amount - large or small. Remember every dollar helps!
Your tax deductible donation can be directed to the program of your choice or designated to the general fund. If you have questions to make your donation please call the Theater Foundation office at 951-541-2588.
We thank you in advance for your part in keeping the arts an ongoing amenity in the Temecula Valley.
Beverly Stephenson